Happy Boss's Day! With a tie for the exclamation mark and blue background
No School Monday, October 16th with fall leaves in the background
Get in "THE NEST!" Enrollment Form
Picture Retake Day - October 18, 2023 with Blue Falcon Logo in Silver Picture Frame
Parent/Teacher Conferences on Green Post-it Note with pin
Happy Columbus Day with A boat and white stars on a blue background on the bottom left corner and red stripes on the top right corner
Fire Prevention Week with orange and yellow flames in the background
Happy National Coaches Day! with blue and green background
No School Monday, October 16th with fall leaves in the background
October National Bullying Prevention Month with an orange outline of a face
Falcon Fifty V3 ticket
Happy National Principals Month
National Custodian Appreciation Day - October 2 with cleaning  supplies and bubbles
gifted written in 5 handprints in 5 different colors
Monthly Newsletter
Speak Up Speak Out Wisconsin
Red Student Drop-off and Pick-Up Sign
STOPit Solutions Logo
Get in "THE NEST!" Enrollment Form
National School Backpack Awareness Day - Lighten Up with a Firefly  wearing a backpack - Pack it light, wear it right