Can't make it to the football game tonight? Check out the News section for a livestream link.
Let's Go Falcons!
Don't forget to join us at the Jensen Center today, October 25th from 9-2 to give blood and earn your $10.00.
We are pre-selling tickets for Friday's football game in the high school office. Tickets are $6 for adults & students; $1 for ages 5 and under.
Let's Go Falcons!
It's Red Ribbon Week. Be kind to your mind, live drug free! To learn more about Red Ribbon Week, please visit the News section.
Join us for a blood drive at the Jensen Center on October 25th from 9-2 to give a precious gift! Each successful donation earns $10.00.
The School Board will be meeting on October 23rd. Please visit the News section for more information.
Picture retake day is tomorrow. Bring those smiles!
Today kicks off National School Bus Safety Week. Please take a moment to go over school bus safety tips that can be found in the News section.
Today is Boss's Day. Your leadership is appreciated, thank you for all you do!
Reminder - There is No School on Monday, October 16th for Fall Break. Enjoy your long weekend!
"The Falcon's NEST" is a free monthly e-newsletter. Our goal with "The NEST" is to highlight special Amherst Achievements in Academics, Arts and Athletics... As well as features on amazing Amherst Alumni. Please see the News section to sign up!
Picture retake day is October 18th. Don't forget to bring your smile :)
Grades 9-12 Parent Teacher Conferences will take place on October 12th. Please see the News section for more information.
Today is Columbus Day! Today recognizes the historic voyage and arrival of Italian explorer, Christopher Columbus who sailed to the Americas on October 12, 1492. Please see the News Section to learn more about Columbus day.
Today starts National Fire Prevention Week. Please visit the News section to learn more about National Fire Prevention Week.
Today is National Coaches Day. An excellent coach is had to find, difficult to part with and impossible to forget. Thank you!
There will be No School on Monday, October 16th for Fall Break.
October is a busy month as it is also National Bullying Prevention Month. Bullying is aggressive, mean and potentially life-threatening. Please see the News section to learn more information about National Bullying Prevention Month.
Are you interested in the possibility of winning $10,000? Please see the News section to learn how you could be the big winner!!
October is also National Principals Month. Thank you to each of you who put in long day helping our students and teachers. You can learn more about Principals day by visiting the News section.