Silhouette of Graduates in the sunset

It's Graduation Week! We hope that our Seniors are looking forward to the fun events of Amherst’s annual Senior Week, which will be Monday, May 20 through Saturday, May 25.

On Monday, Seniors will have a regular day of classes, with a required Senior Meeting from 11:30 am to 12:15 pm in the HS Gym. During this meeting, we will share everything our seniors need to know before graduating from AHS.

Probably the biggest day of the week – after their actual Graduation Day – will be Tuesday. Seniors should be sure to bring their caps/gowns, and parents are welcome to join us for the morning’s events. We’ll start out with our annual Senior Breakfast in the Cafeteria from 8:00 am to 9:00 am, where seniors Aleah Breed and Jennifer Omernik will debut the Class of 2024 Senior Video. At 9:00 am, we will hand out a few Senior Awards, including Honor Cords, CWC Academic All-Conference Awards, Academic Achievement Awards, and the AHS Department Awards. At 9:45 am, all Seniors will put on their caps/gowns and move to the HS Gym for the Class Photo. After the video is the Senior Walk at 10:00 am, when all of our seniors will progress through the bus loop behind the school, walking from the 4K wing to door C9. The Senior Walk should be done around 10:15 am, and seniors are done for the day.

On Wednesday, Seniors are expected to come to school in the morning to clean out lockers, get their check-out forms signed by the HS Office, all teachers, and any coaches or the Athletic Director. From 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm, Mr. Klieforth will be manning the grill for the Senior Cookout and Tailgate with burgers, brats, and chips provided. This event is only open to seniors, so bring your outdoor games, chairs, and any food you want to share. There will also be an outside concession stand. After the cookout, seniors are welcome to stay for the Pep Assembly, or they can head home to prepare for the Tomorrow River Scholarship Foundation Awards Ceremony (food begins at 4:30, ceremony begins at 5:00), followed at 7:00 pm with the Senior Scholarship Awards.

Thursday morning at 9:00 am will be the Senior Graduation rehearsal on Heartland Farms Field. This practice is required if you want to participate in the graduation ceremony on Saturday, but you do not need your cap/gown.

Seniors should arrive at 10:15 am on Saturday for Graduation Day. Make sure you bring your cap/gown and wear comfortable shoes. The ceremony will begin at 11:00 am sharp. The rain location will be the AHS Gym, but the decision to move inside would be made on Saturday morning. Tickets are not required for attendees, and guests can sit on either side of the field in the bleachers. There are ramps on both sets of bleachers, so guests who need wheelchair accessibility can sit on either side of the field.

If you have any questions, please contact Mike Klieforth at or at 715-824-5521 x1223.