Monthly Newsletter

Mike Richie, District Administrator

June 2023 Spirit Article

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Tomorrow River School District Board of Education, staff, students and community for allowing me to serve this great school district for the past five school years as your District Administrator.  I will be stepping down from the position effective June 30, 2023. 

I began serving as the District Administrator in the TRSD in January 2019 and in that time I have been involved in the hiring of middle school principal, high school principal, charter school principal, pupil services director, activity director, director of marketing, communications and fundraising, and food service.

We have also accomplished a lot over this period of time, despite the challenging time we faced because of the pandemic, political climate and school funding. We all had to take things one day at a time, not knowing what would come next. As always, our students really stepped up and handled this situation as well as could be expected. 

I have referenced many times since I have been here about what a supportive community we have. Here are just a few things that come to mind: the passing of the $25.7 million Falcon STEAM referendum, the Falcon Pride Athletic Complex project, and hundreds of thousands of dollars for student scholarships and enhancing our academic areas of need. 

Over the past few years, we made great strides at improving our technology, updating our curriculum, improving and expanding our teaching and learning, and increasing quality professional staff development needs. Our test scores have improved over the past two years, something I believe is directly attributable to our incredible staff, as well as all of the improvements I mentioned earlier. 

The staff in the Tomorrow River School District deeply cares about all students. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to work with them. It has also been a pleasure to work with the Tomorrow River School Board. During the past five school years, there has only been one change to board membership. This is not common in most districts and it really helps with continuity and consistency when dealing with school board matters.

As Mr. Ryan Ruggles assumes district administrator duties July 1, I wish the district nothing but the best! The District is in great hands and will continue to “Fly Like a Falcon.”